A new frying pan is like a crisp, blank sheet of paper. I stood for a few minutes just staring at mine. What should I cook first? Risotto, eggs, crepes?
A Frying pan lives a hard life. Especially in our kitchen. One lonely non-stick pan has graced our stove for a full year now. It was a normal occurrence to wash it 2 or 3 times a day, only to have it dirty in the sink the next morning. I can tell just by looking at it, how much food has passed through its curves. The scorching of grease on the left side, the slice through the Teflon,even though I was trying to be really careful. The pan was a gift from a great cook and friend, but the Teflon is peeling so life must go on.
a few moments of silence..
Such a great frying pan, I had to replace it with two! One is deep, for risotto's and doubles as a wok, while the other is smaller for pan frying meat and frying up some eggs for breaky. Tonight I have left over Pad Thai, and I can't think of a better dish to start with.

Cooking or "adventuring into the culinary unknown" is my stress relief. When there are spice combinations buzzing around my mind and veggies sizzling in a pan, I am in heaven. But once and while we pack up our appetites and hit the road. Last night our favorite Viet-Thai place called to us, so we drove! Heaping plates of noodles and the best spring rolls in town became our delicious Monday night dinner.
By "culinary unknown" I mean going without a recipe. I think everyone should, at some point. I started when I was really really young, so I got alot of the mistakes and mismatched flavours out the way early on. I only make terrible dinners once and a while now. And I will admit it openly, when I think a creation of mine, isn't all that good. That is all part of cooking. Cooking takes practice like everything else.
This week, on Friday, Steve and I are going to try Vegetarianism, just to see how we feel. Maybe our bodies with have more energy, maybe we will sleep better, or maybe we will simply eat alot more tofu than usual. Who knows, life is an adventure, and my adventures always have a little food in the background!
This is going to be a good week!