So... I got a haircut.
It funny how a single haircut can make or break you. This one made me. I feel great, my head feels light, my shoulders are bare and defined, my neck is exposed. There is something invigorating about a a great hair cut. My cut unmasked me, for my own eyes to see me.
A feeling of beauty, being beautiful, only come from inside. I am in search of my true inner beauty. My progress is going slowly, but I can feel each step change my perception of myself. I want to feel my inner beauty shinning, even on the dullest days. I want to 'know' who I am.
I think I'm great, but its been almost 25 years of getting to know myself. I learn about myself even from reliving memories, or telling stories of my past. Its like seeing myself as a character in a book, and I've found that I like the character I'm talking about.
These are the things I am learning. I will always be learning. But there are lots of things I already know about myself, thank goodness, which I build on everyday. I've learned I like writing things down. I don't always go back and read the things, but I have a need to be able to put pen to paper. So I bring a journal with me everywhere I go. Simple things, i do for myself. I try to take care of myself. I like being my friend, I am good company for myself.
I am known to take a lot of photos of myself too, and I look in the mirror alot. I know you may be thinking that I must be really obsessed with what I look like... But thats not it at all, and I have only in the last few years realized what I am doing... I am looking at a smile. A great big smile on a face i've learned to love.
You are taught stuff in school, but 'school' is just a tool to teach you that you need to want to learn, for your whole life.
I wish I knew, without a doubt, who I am. But that would just be wishing on eyelashes. So I will learn who I am.
With that knowledge, I think I will be o.k. Free to roam the lands, to seek out new things to learn about.
Learn one thing new everyday: Today I will learn how to cook with fennel seeds.