My Name is Adele Lynn Oliver. I live in Hamilton, Ontario with my beloved partner Steve, and our kitty Coltrane. Our apartment is small but colourful on a street with barely any parking. I am the Senior Customer Service Rep for a private jet charter company, I organize people’s lives and keep everything else organized and stocked. Who am I really? I think I was a Chef in a past life, or a fish, I could do both equally well.
Born into a typical family structure, Mom, Dad and Brother. I liked mud, and playing outside, dress up and lying. I lied, because I liked to colour on walls and suck random objects up into the central vac system. I broke my arm at 6 yrs old, hated track and field from the get go, and found that public school was NOT for anyone who stands out.
I graduated College with a Diploma in Outdoor Adventure. I pierced everything I could, and then took them all out. I have a ½ sleeve tattoo among others. I have 0 gauge wooden plugs in my ears. I only show 1/8 of my personality at work, because mainstream business, has not modernized itself enough to incorporate modern-day urbanized citizens into their workforce. Yeah, that’s right!
Growing up every summer was a different job, single serving lodging. I’ve been a farm hand, Ontario Ranger, Boat Tech, Kitchen girl, Raft Guide, Rock climbing Instructor, and Deli Manager. After college, on a whim, I quit my job and flew to Taiwan to be an English teacher. After escaping psychological trauma from an under-medicated psycho roommate, I had an amazing time. Bought a scooter, saw the sights, rode the trains, navigated the markets and loved the food! I hope one day to return.
Born into a typical family structure, Mom, Dad and Brother. I liked mud, and playing outside, dress up and lying. I lied, because I liked to colour on walls and suck random objects up into the central vac system. I broke my arm at 6 yrs old, hated track and field from the get go, and found that public school was NOT for anyone who stands out.
I graduated College with a Diploma in Outdoor Adventure. I pierced everything I could, and then took them all out. I have a ½ sleeve tattoo among others. I have 0 gauge wooden plugs in my ears. I only show 1/8 of my personality at work, because mainstream business, has not modernized itself enough to incorporate modern-day urbanized citizens into their workforce. Yeah, that’s right!
Growing up every summer was a different job, single serving lodging. I’ve been a farm hand, Ontario Ranger, Boat Tech, Kitchen girl, Raft Guide, Rock climbing Instructor, and Deli Manager. After college, on a whim, I quit my job and flew to Taiwan to be an English teacher. After escaping psychological trauma from an under-medicated psycho roommate, I had an amazing time. Bought a scooter, saw the sights, rode the trains, navigated the markets and loved the food! I hope one day to return.

I’ve met a lot of people in my life who were a waste of time, and alot of people who have made my world a better place to be. I go to the gym 5 days a week, get angry at bad drivers, and talk to myself a lot. I battle with my weight, my demons and annyoing people everyday.
I write a blog about food, because that is where my heart is. I am an environmentalist so if you don’t recycle, stay the hell away from me, because you’re going to get a piece of my mind. I am turning 25 this year, and a quarter century has taught me to screw dealing with time wasters, and just enjoy every moment.
I’m weird, I’m me. I’m a vegetarian because eating meat creates HUGE amounts of green house gases. I am dairy intolerant. I love chocolate, guacamole, soup and wine. I don’t subscribe to TV; I don’t eat fast-food. I don’t wear cover-up, I don’t paint my nails and I break the law everyday of the week! I am artistic, creative and love to use movie quotes as my own. I like comedy, and comedians and I think everybody needs to lighten the hell up!